News and Articles

Are there local solutions to failing national policies? LEDC’s May 2023 review
What do Green Belt, Migration, and Apprenticeships have in common? Well – they all feature in our May round up of current affairs. And

Making the most of local universities in LED and placemaking
If you have ever grappled with why your local universities seem to spend more time chasing overseas students, focusing on national league tables, and

How do Investment Zones fit into the history and current government appetite for incentive-driven area-based initiatives?
On the latest episode of LED Confidential, Mike Spicer and I are joined by Pete Tyler, Professor of Urban and Regional Economics at the University of Cambridge. They

Crossing LED and devolution borders
The transition from March to April is associated with moving from Winter to Spring, the clocks going forward, and the closure of one and

Permacrisis…what permacrisis?
A huge pleasure to get the perspectives of Jim Savege, Chief Executive of Aberdeenshire Council, on the impacts of the multiple current global crises

Missions, Local Government Finance, and Green Economy culture war
Our February review anticipates three of the issues to look out for in the impending Budget this week – missions, local government finance, and

LED Confidential Revealed
Without doubt, one of my favourite activities in 2022/23 so far has been the launch of the podcast LED Confidential, with my co-host Mike

Mayoral Combined Authorities – Issues and Opportunities For The 2020’s
With 41% of England’s population under mayoral governance, London and Combined Authority Mayoral elections on May 6th were a significant local, regional and national

Beyond Following The Money: Next-generation local economic strategies for the post-COVID world
Major change moments, like those we are living through, shape our economic geography. How can local leaders design ambitious plans in times like these?